Le Quattro Stagioni’s promise to you: As we nourish your garden, your garden will nourish you.
Why Organic
Through the use of organic practices, and working with the timeless rhythms and cycles of Nature, we will co-create and maintain a beautiful, healthful, thriving garden. We will do this without the use of toxic products. The sanctuary of your garden will be safe for you, your family, your pets, visiting wildlife, and the long-term sustainability and success of your green spaces—and the planet as a whole.
or·gan·ic (Pronunciation: \ȯr-ˈga-nik\)
1. Of living things: relating to, derived from, or characteristic of living things.
2. Developing naturally: occurring or developing naturally without being forced or contrived.
3. Agriculture: avoiding synthetic chemicals; relating to or employing agricultural practices that avoid the use of chemicals in favor of naturally occurring pesticides, fertilizers, and other growing aids.
For all of us that have the privilege of tending to the Le Quattro Stagioni family of gardens, along with our cherished clients whose grounds we care for, at the heart of our commitment to organic gardening practices is exactly that—heart.
Organic gardening recognizes and celebrates the assertion that we exist within a vibrant, living relationship with the natural world. Our primary intention is to enter into that relationship consciously and sustain it from a place of loving.
A garden is not only a wonderful means of providing a place to relax and replenish, play, or to provide food. It is also a model of what is possible in a successful global community, one where we promote a more considerate way of living that encourages greater well-being for all, not only physically but also mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Sustainable gardening practices—for the earth, its bird, animal, aquatic, and insect kingdoms—mirror sustainable living practices for us all.
An organic approach recognizes that every part of the living organism of your garden—from the smallest soil particle to the grandest tree, from the butterfly cocoon to the animals and humans that roam its surface—are interconnected. Through the use of organic practices (links to practices.html), the goal of our approach is to nurture and maintain a natural balance that has evolved through millennia and lovingly steward the immense beauty it provides.
The Benefits of Organic:
Organic is delicious: If you choose to plant and harvest fruits and vegetables from your garden, organic will have flavor that is unsurpassed.
Organic is clean: Avoiding the use of toxic chemical biocides makes your garden safer for you, your family, pets, wildlife, and our gardeners too! Every garden that maintains organic practices also contributes to a cleaner, safer planet.
Organic is anxiety-free: By avoiding the use of toxic chemicals, you no longer need to walk the “risk/benefit tight-rope.”
Organic is sustainable: It is not an approach that creates dust bowls, dry aquifers, pest imbalances and outbreaks, chemical spills and/or injuries. It is an approach that considers the present and the future—and learns from the past. Using practices, resources, and pay scales that value the renewable resources of a productive earth, clean air, potable water, and fulfilled workers supports the long-term viability of us all.
Organic is efficient: Nurturing both local and global environments, the health of clients and gardeners alike; superior flavor and security of long-term food supplies; wise use of water. These are all part of the productive process of organic gardening that makes it efficient in the long-term.
Organic is cost-effective: In the long-term, sustainable practices that maintain renewable resources becomes more cost-effective than artificially boosting, draining, and replacing depleted soils and the excessive water they consume.
Organic is safe: This is the safety of its ”tools” and their impact on workers, the environment, and all living beings who share in it. Moving beyond the use of toxic chemicals and a careful application of organic fertilizers demonstrate organic farming’s potential of being ideally safe.
Organic values animals and other living systems: Whether its your pets, visiting wildlife, or the inherent beauty of the natural world, from microscopic soil subsystems to the splendor of wild and cultivated plants, organic approaches sustain a reverence for beauty and diversity.
Under the leadership of founder Mariela Guastavino, teams of highly skilled gardeners are assigned to each client based on the unique goals, opportunities, and/or challenges of each garden. As they carefully tend to your garden, a wide range of organic practices are used.
We look forward to the pleasure of visiting your grounds and learning more about your dream garden!
Our Organic Practices
Under the leadership of founder Mariela Guastavino, teams of highly skilled gardeners are assigned to each client based on the unique goals, opportunities, and/or challeneges of each garden. As they carefully tend to your garden, they incorporate a wide range of organic practices, which offer a myriad of long-term benefits.
Building Healthy Soil
The soil is the soul of your garden. This is one of the cornerstones of organic gardening - a beautiful, successful garden starts literally from the ground up. Feed the soil and the soil feeds the plants. Mariela's extensive training, including an advanced education in Agronomic Engineering, enables her to guide her teams in making your soil as healthy as possible. Think natural health not steroid health! Healthy soil promotes strong vigorous plants that are inherently more capable of resisting disease, pest, and insect attack.
Adding Organic Matter
Le Quattro Stagioni will develop and maintain an evolving, soil building and fertilization program. This program uses only select, custom-blended organic fertilizers specifically crafted for each area of your garden.
Adding organic matter and proper fertilizers is an investment in your garden. The many positive effects on your soil include:
Improving soil structure, texture and aeration
Increase water infiltration rate and organic content
Providing the broad palette of nutrients to plant roots supporting growth, full blooms, and great fruits from your trees
Improving soil structure, texture and aeration
Increasing organic content
Fertilizing the soil
Providing the broad palette of nutrients to plant roots, supporting growth, full blooms, and great fruits from your trees
Helping the soil to hold more water (a good thing in arid California)
Pest Mangement
For many, when considering a transition to an organic garden, it is concerns about pests that raise doubts. Can an organic approach really work in managing pests? The answer is a resounding yes.
In fact, an Integrated Pest Management Program (IMP), created specifically to work with your garden's natural cycles and interconnected populations, is likely to be far more successful. The use of chemical pesticides typically creates short-term success, followed by counter-productive imbalances and boom-bust-boom pest infestations.
Using a variety of organic approaches including soil building, irrigation management, introduction of beneficial organisms (such as ladybugs), and encouraging natural predators (birds, butterflies, etc) through plant choices, Le Quattro Stagioni can safely assist in handling pest problems that occur. Learn more about pest management.
Irrigation Management
Grass areas, annuals, native and non-native plants, trees—and subsets of each of these populations—all require different irrigation levels. The careful monitoring and management of water use, especially in Southern California, is a foundational element of a successful organic garden.
Whether recalibrating poorly functioning existing irrigation, planning and installing new systems, or collaborating with owners in designing a transition to low water irrigation, Le Quattro Stagioni staff have the knowledge and practical skills to address these questions from an organic perspective. Learn more about our irrigation management practices.
We look forward to the pleasure of visiting your grounds and learning more about your dream garden!