Collaboration with Charles Bernstein  for University of Santa Monica

M Charles Bernstein AIA Architect 310/709-0499

Frequently Asked Questions:

If you don't find your answer here, use the Book a Consultation button to message us. We look forward to talking with you.

  • Often, organic gardening is commonly defined in negative terms, as in "gardening without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers." While this is certainly true, organic gardening is much more than that. It is a system of positive, holistic practices designed to work with nature rather than master it. Natural ecosystems are balanced, complex, and diverse. The goal of our organic practices is to increase the biodiversity of your garden, from adding compost to feed the billions of soil organisms to planting vegetation that attracts beneficial insects to feed on plant pests.

  • Yes. In terms of the long-term sustainability of your garden's health and success, organic makes a profound difference. Nurturing the soil irrigating, mindfully, managing pests, safely and effectively, all lead to numerous benefits. These benefits positively impact you, those you share your home with, your pets, neighbors, and the planet as a whole.

  • One of our foundational beliefs is that each garden has its own unique character, challenges, gifts, and opportunities. Rest assured that an in-depth evaluation will give you all the information and options you need to make an informed choice about how to proceed.

    Some factors that can affect either initial restoration or ongoing maintenance costs can be one or more of the following: size of land parcel, frequency of visits, condition of soil, irrigation repairs, accessibility of garden sections, and others.

  • No. Prospective clients will schedule a walk-through with owner Mariela Guastavino at no charge. Your evaluation report evaluation will give you a step-by-step analysis of what is required to create the garden you envision- and how to maintain it at it's best. It will indicate current strengths, challenges, and areas of opportunity for your green spaces and make clear recommendations.

  • This is assessed on a case-by-case basis, given the unique character of each garden. At Le Quattro Stagioni, we also recognize that stewarding the natural resources of your garden includes stewarding the financial resources you wish to allocate to it. Tiered options are available upon request, so that you can make informed choices as to which areas you wish to make a primary focus of your evolving vision for your garden.

  • No. Your garden is yours! While it's true that many of our clients are currently considering or changing to native plant usage as a creative response to water restrictions and increased water rates, this is a personal choice. We are delighted to share up-to-the-minute information about available options and their impact-but you make the final choices about what your garden looks like.

  • No. After carefully listening to your vision for your garden, we will offer suggestions that can help that vision become a reality. But the plant palette of your garden will always remain firmly in your hands.

  • Yes. Caring for a lawn in arid Southern California is a multi-faceted discipline. We can either incorporate these items into a garden-wide maintenance program, tend to them as projects of their own, or renovate them as a one-time project. You decide!

  • Yes. We have the privilege of nurturing some of the most beautiful private rose gardens in Southern California. Our skilled staff can bring forth the best of your roses, and also have access to the additional guidance, experience, and expertise of experts nationwide. We'd be delighted to welcome your rose garden into our community.

    We also care for fruit trees, native Californian, Mediterranean, tropical, and exotic plants.

  • We'd be delighted to maintain it for you. We may from time to time suggest ways for you to have even more of what you are enjoying now-to give you optimum growth, vibrant, colorful blooms, and full fruit trees. The only requirement is that we tend to your garden using our organic practices.

  • Yes. May we have a taste of your harvest?!

  • Absolutely. Our organic Integrated Pest Management Programs are highly effective, while maintaining your health and the health of your garden. To learn more, please click here.

  • These are all items that ebb and flow according to seasonal changes, shifting weather patterns, and other site-specific variables. While some companies seek to bury these as recurring charges in an overall plan, our wish is that you pay for these services only as and when you need them. Therefore, they are billed on a per-use basis.

    You'll see them clearly itemized in your billing statement. We will certainly give you a close estimate on what these charges will be in our initial report, and you will have the option to review and approve these charges each time-ahead of their use-if you wish to.

  • Yes, absolutely. As above, compost should also not stink. An unpleasant odor means that compost isn't getting enough air. If the pile is saturated or compacted, then the composting process changes from aerobic-with oxygen-to anaerobic, without oxygen. You're right that the anaerobic process smells very bad!

    You can make your compost sweet-smelling again simply by turning it with a spading fork and adding some course dry material, such as straw or dry leaves. Also, never add meat or grease to your compost. These will attract animals, including rats. You can also contain your compost in a bin or garbage can-with holes drilled for good aeration-to keep out animals.

  • Certainly. As always, the Le Quattro Stagioni teams and owner Mariela Guastavino are delighted to assist you in making informed choices that work for you and your garden goals.

    With water usage restrictions, increased water rates, and reduced rainfall all being more frequent experiences in Southern California, there are certainly some personal and global reasons to consider-and benefits to gain-from transitioning a garden, or sections of your garden, to native, drought tolerant plants and grasses. It is, however, by no means a requirement.

  • We hear you. Developing an effective and successful garden care program is founded upon consistency. Each of our teams contains a number of longer-serving staff that have been with us for many years. As we expand, we do take on new staff, who are carefully selected for their existing experience and genuine care for the natural world. In addition, all staff undergo ongoing training, education, and guidance to expand heir knowledge base.

  • Yes to both questions . From an organic perspective, the soil is the soul of your garden-the place that touches all life in your garden. Soil analysis helps us to scientifically calibrate the blending of organic fertilizers and balance your soil's chemistry to support optimum health of all your plant materials.

  • Yes, schedule permitting. Typically, 6-8 weeks notice gives you us the best chance of accepting your invitation. You can contact us via e-mail or by phone. We look forward to speaking with you.